Class of ’71 celebrating being 71
at Definance Ridge Winery
Beth Bieser Farmer and Bev O'Dell Brack
Chris Knapp Henry and Karen Fenier Clark
Mary Jo and Tom Neumuebel and Jim Koclanes
Leslie Braddock, Beth Bieser Farmer, Robin Humphrey Frye and Sheryl Aubuchon Moriarty
Robin Humphrey Frye and Kim Giebe
Barb Sigoloff Dooley, Bill Dooley and Bev O'Dell Brack
Leslie Braddock, Beth Bieser Farmer and Charlene Earhart Sanders
Debbie Schutte Patzold, Sophia (Yolanda) Orten Wolfmeyer, Pat Frauenfelder Olmstead, Gerri Cambron Cooper and Gerrian Sontag
Jackie Mellis, Beth Bieser Farmer and Karen Borgmann Bantle
Paula Arnold Smith and Gail Fulbright Lay
Sharon Woll Carter, Leslie Braddock and Myles Kelly
Sheryl Aubuchon Moriarty, Jackie Mellis, Robin Humphrey Frye and Steve Barth
Martina DeCaro Smith and Beth Bieser Farmer
Jim Satterly and Robin Humphrey Frye
Ed Carpenter, Chris Brown Carpenter and Susan Wadsworth Taylor
Steve Hemmer and his wife
Martina DeCaro Smith and John Castellano
Gerri Cambron Cooper and Gerrian Sontag
Barb Sigoloff Dooley and Bill Dooley and friend
Charlene Earhart Sanders, Debbie Schutte Patzold, Sophia (Yolanda) Orten Wolfmeyer, and
Pat Frauenfelder Olmstead
Danny Moriarty and Myles Kelly
Sheryl Aubuchon Moriarty, Sharon Woll Carter and Leslie Braddock
Tom and Mary Jo Nuemuebel and Bob Smith
Jackie Mellis and Bev O'Dell Brack
Chris Knapp Henry and Karen Fenier Clark
Paula Arnold Smith and Beth Bieser Farmer
Perfect Way to Celebrate Your 71st Birthday with your High School Friends.