Barbara Sigoloff Dooley

Profile Updated: September 4, 2021
Residing In Kansas City, MO USA
Spouse/Partner Bill Dooley
Occupation Retired PreK-12 School Librarian, Hardin-Central C-2
Children Jim: 1980
Mickey: 1982
Leah: 1978 (step daughter)
Beth: 1981 (step daughter)
Erin: 1985 More…(step-daughter)
Military Service US Army, started Family Support group in the Neth.  
Yes! Attending Reunion

1971-1975: MIZZOU, BS Education certified in PreK, Kind, 1-6
1975-1977: taught 2nd grade, Montgomery County, MO.
May 1977: married Ken Aldridge, became an Army wife 20 1/2 years; Lived
in Ft. Lee, VA, Heilbronn, Germany, Ft. Lee, VA, Ft. Carson, CO, Ft. Lee, VA. Ft. Leavenworth, KS, Heidelberg, Germany, Ft. Hood, Texas, Schinnen, Netherlands;
Jim was born in Germany and Mickey was born at Ft. Carson
May 1996: Returned to Florida. I was separated and then divorced.
1996-2001: Taught for Brevard County schools for 5 years. Kids graduated from HS in Florida and went on to U of FL.
July 2001: Married Bill Dooley. Moved back to MO. Taught school, went back for a Masters in Library Science and Informational Services and became a school librarian. Bill and I have 5 children. Each graduated college, worked, married, some have children, and are doing fine. We have 8 grandchildren.
June 2015: I retired. I paint with water-based oils, am in a reading club that meets virtually once a month, I am an active Kiwanian serving the Children of the World, an active member of MO Retired Teachers Association, an active member of the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 91, attend the Methodist Church locally with Bill, but attend Jewish Services at Temple Israel in Florida virtually. We enjoy keeping up with the kids, grandkids, family, friends, and camping in our Tab 320S named KC.

School Story

I enjoyed band and clarinet choir in High School. Mr. Frede always wanted me to march, but there just was not enough time in my day. I sat next to Bill Dooley for my senior year in band. A friendship of a lifetime!!
One of my favorite memories was being called out of the audience my sophomore year for National Honor Society. In later years I was able to get friends out of class as they became members.
I was proud to work with Hazel Maxwell and the Future Teachers of America to start the tutoring program that we had our Senior Year. I took advantage of it, and hoped that others did as well. I do remember everyone that said being a member of FTA was not very cool, but look how many of us became educators!
I was also proud of my efforts to coordinate clubs and committees in Inner School. We had great cooperation and communication between all of the organizations. I met new people and learned new things.

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Jan 05, 2025 at 3:33 AM
Dec 23, 2024 at 12:25 AM

Happy birthday and many more!! Hope all is well with you! Enjoying retirement, traveling some, and trying to keep up with grandkids. Saw Violet in April. Had a good visit. Take care and be healthy! Barb Sigoloff Dooley

Jan 05, 2024 at 3:33 AM
Jan 05, 2023 at 3:33 AM
Jan 05, 2022 at 3:33 AM
Sep 04, 2021 at 10:33 PM
Jan 05, 2021 at 3:33 AM